
Kamera keamanan dari jarak jauh CCTV Drone

Deskripsi Produk Drone ini kecil dan ringan, memiliki kamera definisi tinggi (HD). Dapat terbang secara otomatis sambil menyusuri jalur yang telah ditetapkan di rumah, dan melakukan streaming ke smartphone. Sederhananya, cctv ini akan menjadi mata untuk melihat sekeliling rumah. Pengguna sebelumnya dapat mengatur jalur drone melalui aplikasi smartphone. Cctv ini juga bisa mendeteksi adanya gerakan di bagian rumah dan dapat terbang sendiri ke titik tersebut sambil merekam video. Ketika ada pencuri masuk ke dalam rumah, maka alarm akan berbunyi lalu drone cam akan mendatangi lokasi untuk merekam peristiwa yang terjadi. Lalu, drone ini akan mengirimkan gambar ke pemiliknya. Strategi Pemasaran Membuat Website Brand Di era digital ini, memasarkan produk membuat jangkauan konsumen yang bisa melihat produk yang akan dijual jadi lebih luas. Lewat internet, dapat memasarkan produk yang dijual lewat blog atau website yang berisikan detail produk yang dijual. Dengan membuat website brand atau bl


Dialogue with a client on a product problem(s) [complaint] Me :   Good afternoon, can i help you sir Customer : Good afternoon,   I purchased a computer from your company since last month. Unfortunately, I'm not satisfied with my new computer. I want complaints about your product. I'm having a lot of problems. Me : I’m sorry you’ve had that experience, let me see what I can do to help you Customer : I'm having problems with my Internet connection, as well as repeated crashes when I try to run my word-processing software. Me : Did you read the instructions that came with the computer? Customer : We’ll , yes. But the troubleshooting section was no help. Me : What happened exactly? Customer : Well, the Internet connection doesn't work. I think the modem is broken. I'd like a replacement. Me : How were you using the computer when you tried to connect to the Internet? Customer : I was trying to connect to the Internet! Me : I'm just t


Antecedents of Pronouns & Dangling Constructions Antecedents of Pronouns In English grammar, an  antecedent  is a word that will be replaced by another word later in the sentence. Most often the word replacing the antecedent is a pronoun. In the sentence, "When Marcel went out in the rain, he got wet," "Marcel" is the antecedent to the pronoun "he." Understanding the antecedent-word relationship is crucial to grasping how English works. In grammar, an antecedent is a word that another word refers back to. That word is technically called a  proform , and while English allows for types of antecedents based on many parts of speech, such as pro-verbs and pro-adverbs, it is far more common for a  pronoun  to refer to an antecedent. An antecedent comes before a pronoun. A pronoun and its antecedent must agree in gender and number. For example, if the antecedent is singular and female, the pronoun must refer to a single female. If the ant


Adamas Belva Syah Devara  Founder and President Director of Ruang guru [1] Adamas Belva Syah Devara was born in Jakarta on May 30, 1990. [2] He is the founder and president director of Ruang Guru . Ruangguru is an online marketplace connecting private tutors and students all over Indonesia. [3] Belva pursued his junior high school at Al Azhar 8 Islamic School, and senior high school at the President's School, an international semi-military school. In 2007, [4] He was selected as one of eight Indonesian students who received a full scholarship from the Singapore government [5] to continue their studies at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. After study in Singapore,  he decided to return to Indonesia and turn down many job offers in Singapore. In Jakarta, [6] he worked in Presidential Work Unit for Development Supervision and Control under the leadership of Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, and as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company.

Event Organizing

English for Business-Topic 11

Inovation and their real example

English for Business - Topic 10   Manager     : Good  morning  ladies  and  gentle   man.  Thank  you  for  coming  to  this   meeting. My name is Jeni Aprilia, I am a Product Manager of PT LG. Today I want to present about our products innovation. Let’s get started. Manager       : As  you know,  our  company is  focused  on technological innovation.  Nowadays, we need tools to ease and help us do our daily works. Today, I want to present three new innovation products. Manager     : The  first  product is  “ Twin Wash ”.  Twin Wash is  a washing solution that  never  existed before. Twin Wash can helping you get more  clothes  cleaner  in less  time by washing two separate  loads  simultaneously.  Twin  Wash  has  a  double washing tube, the main tube  is  above  with a  capacity of 21 kg which is  suitable  for washing on a large scale and the second  tube  which  is  below  it  with  a capacity of 3.5 kg. Both of these tubes can operate simultaneously.  So  you  ca